Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Poverty And Its Effects On Children - 945 Words

POVERTY MALNOURISHMENT Childhood and adolescence are expected to be the times of great functioning and physical health, yet poverty provokes this from occurring and children face poor health. Children living in poverty are at immense risk for their development, health and overall well-being. According to Komro, 2011, the absolute rate of poverty among children is higher in the United States than in other industrialized nations. Nationally, One in five children are living in poverty (Raphel, 2014). Malnourishment is one of the numerous outcomes from poverty; children are suffering each day in America with this threat to their health. Malnourishment is a result of either not having sufficient nutrients in their diet or having it excessively that it causes health problems. Poverty affects a broad diversity of people from different ages, cultures or diversities. While the overall poverty rate in the US in 2009 was 14.3%, it seemed to be higher among female-headed households (29.9%), African Americans (25.8%) , Hispanics (25.3%), children (20.7%) and those living in central cities (18.7%), (Komro, 2011). Living in poverty poses a great risk already, but also living in an area of concentrated poverty makes it difficult to grow and thrive. Typically, schools with great proportions of low-income families have low education achievements. With that factor alone comes great risk for oppression and other risk factors. With the given circumstances, children are at risk of povertyShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Poverty On Children1553 Words   |  7 PagesHow Poverty Effects Children Makayla Ray University of Alabama in Birmingham Abstract This literature review of twelve previously published research articles has focused on summarizing some of the effects of poverty on children. The selected articles all focused on the major effect of poverty on children, and were sorted into four sub-categories or themes based upon a specific focus areas of this complex and not yet fully understood issue. These themes included developmental, educationalRead MorePoverty And Its Effects On Children Essay1111 Words   |  5 PagesEdgar Perez Mrs. Prince ENG 1113 16 November 2016 Poverty in America As of 2013 approximately 45 million people in America lived below the poverty line. In an average three-person household, an annual income of $20,090 is federally considered to be at poverty level. In the year of 2014, 44 percent of children under the age of 18 were living at or below the poverty level. Coming from a low economic standing can be detrimental for children’s physical and mental states. Pursuing a higher educationRead MoreEffects Of Poverty On Children1554 Words   |  7 PagesEffects of Poverty on Children Makayla Ray University of Alabama in Birmingham Abstract This literature review of twelve previously published research articles has focused on summarizing some of the effects of poverty on children. The selected articles all focused on the major effect of poverty on children, and were sorted into four sub-categories or themes based upon a specific focus areas of this complex and not yet fully understood issue. These themes included developmental, educationalRead MorePoverty And Its Effects On Children859 Words   |  4 PagesPoverty is existing worldwide epidemic and it is affecting millions of adults and children mentally, physically and emotionally .Poverty is the inability to purchase or have access to the basic human needs. This includes food, shelter, education, clean water and proper sanitation .It depends not only on income but also on access to services. In 1998 a UN Statement on poverty, signed by the heads of all UN agencies stated: defines poverty as â€Å"the denial of choices and opportunities, violation of humanRead MorePo verty And Its Effects On Children1377 Words   |  6 PagesPoverty Poverty is a chronic issue not just within the United States but throughout the whole world, but one thing that people tend to overlook is the effect that poverty has on childhood. Many children grow up in poverty and the effects can last for a life time. For many of these kids who grow up in these conditions the effects include poor health, a high risk for teen pregnancy, and the lack of an education. Poor health is a direct of effect of poverty, children with families with no money orRead MorePoverty And Its Effects On Children985 Words   |  4 PagesPoverty doesn’t have preferences, it doesn’t choose people by race, religion, or age. Many people don’t see the effects poverty has on people or sometimes they don’t care but you should. What if you were put in the situation where you lost everything and weren’t able to recover. Now imagine this is your child. Many people put a generic face upon poverty. Usually they see the poor African American person, or the old man who looks dirty, or even the woman who is selling her body just to buy a biteRead MorePoverty And Its Effects On Children1771 Words   |  8 Pages What is poverty? For people who do not know what poverty is, the Merriam- Webster dictionary defines it as â€Å"the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions† (Poverty). To make it even easier it is basically the state of being extremely poor. Poverty is a huge global issue and it can affect anyone. Whether the person is young or old, male or female. Poverty does not discriminate against people, which is why people should not sit back and ignoreRead MorePoverty And Its Effects On Children2452 Words   |  10 Pagespeople living in poverty out of the 316.5 million inhabitants of the United States of America. That means about 14.5% of people live below the poverty line, which is an extremely large amount for such a lucrative world dominating country. Poverty is a very serious issue in the United States and has devastating effects, yet it continues to effect massive amounts of people. It is essential that Americans make the ne cessary changes to combat poverty because those living in poverty often experience aRead MorePoverty And Its Effects On Children942 Words   |  4 Pagesand physical health, yet poverty provokes this from occurring and children face poor health. Children living in poverty are at immense risk for their development, health and overall well-being. According to Komro, 2011, the absolute rate of poverty among children is higher in the United States than in other industrialized nations. Nationally, One in five children are living in poverty (Raphel, 2014). Malnourishment is one of the numerous outcomes from poverty; children are suffering each day inRead MoreThe Effects of Poverty on Children Essay1217 Words   |  5 Pages When analyzing children growing up in poverty a lot of factors come into play such as their physical, psychological and emotional development. To grow up in poverty can have long term effect on a child. What should be emphasized in analyzing the effects of poverty on children is how it has caused many children around the world to suffer from physical disorders, malnutrition, and even diminishes their capacities to function in society. Poverty has played a major role in the functioning of families

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